Wir haben hier die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zusammengestellt. Sollten wir Ihre Fragen nicht beantwortet haben, schicken Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an info@totterandtumble.co.uk, wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.
What makes Totter + Tumble different to the other playmats on the market?
So much! We could tell you about so many features that set our playmats apart from other types of playmats.
In addition to the unique features discussed on our About page, a huge bonus is longevity and suitability for the busy home, designed with all members of the family in mind. The closed cell memory foam design provides noise reduction as well.
Unsere Matten werden aus hochwertigem, ungiftigem PVC-Gedächtnisschaum hergestellt und enthalten weder BPA, Phthalate, Blei, Latex, Formamid, Formaldehyd, EVA noch Flammschutzmittel. Es ist robust, dick und schwer, so dass unsere Spielmatten ein sicheres und schönes Stück Ihres Interieurs und eine schützende, komfortable Spielfläche für viele Jahre sind.
We are so confident that our playmats are fault free that we include a 1 year manufacturer's warranty.
I can't choose between the designs - help!
Our Design Guide should help you decide which playmat is perfect for you. You may want to purchase a swatch to see the quality in person and the design in your home too. Don't forget to consider the design on the reverse as well.
I want one- what is delivery like?
You won't have to wait long! Mainland UK orders will be brought to your doorstep within 5 working days from dispatch. For more information, including tracking, please see our Returns and Delivery information page.
If you live in the US or the UK, visit your specific Totter + Tumble website.
I missed out on my favourite design. Do you take preorders?
We work really hard to keep our playmats as in-stock as possible, but between a global shipping crisis and incredibly supportive Totter + Tumblers eager to snap them up, we do go out of stock from time to time. Not to worry, we always have more on their way and as soon as we are more confident with their arrival schedule, we do open for preorders.
Please note, your chosen payment method will have the total deducted at the point of preorder. If you order one playmat on preorder, and another in stock, we will likely hold the order and dispatch together. Please email us if you would like to split the order or go ahead and place separate orders.
What sizes do you offer?
There are five sizes available.
The XL size is our biggest play mat ever! Currently exclusively in the Brimfield + Portobello design, the XL is perfect for large play spaces and family rooms at 250 x 150cm.
The Standard size is matched to a large rug measuring 210cm x 140cm and is available in all the designs.
The Compact still has space for all the family to play on and is matched to a standard British rug at 185cm x 125cm.
The Round, which is exclusively available in a limited collection is perfect for fitting in to nooks, at 138cm ⌀.
The Play Runner is 180cm x 65cm and is also available in a limited collection. Perfect for those awkward spaces or for those of you who know how good a Totter + Tumble is and want some extra squish!
All our playmats are 1.3cm thick and offer your little ones bounce-back support with the highest quality non-toxic PVC memory foam.
You may find this Size Guide helpful.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich die Spielmatten um einige Zentimeter ausdehnen können, wenn sie sich an ihr neues Zuhause gewöhnen.
Haben Sie einen größeren Raum? Da die Totter + Tumble Spielmatten aus einem robusten Material hergestellt sind, passen sie gut nebeneinander, ohne dass sie ständig verrutschen, wie es bei leichteren Spielmatten der Fall ist. Allerdings können wir nicht garantieren, dass die Muster perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt sind, und es kann einen leichten Größenunterschied geben, wenn sie sich lockern, wie oben erwähnt.
How do I clean our playmat?
Roll out and wipe down! You only need to use a gentle cleaning solution and a cloth to keep the playmat clean. Simple. If you’re not sure if your cleaner is gentle, a good indicator is if it’s deemed to be okay on your skin, it’s okay on the playmat. There are exceptions though, including baby and water wipes and spray cleaners with citric or hypochlorous acid, you can read our full Care Guide here. You can always pop us an email via info@totterandtumble.co.uk if you’re unsure as well.
Although our mats are wipedown, they can still stain so be careful when using food colourings in messy play, picnicking on berries and anything acidic etc and wipe off spillages quickly. Remember to clean under the playmat regularly too. Keep any heavy furniture, sharply clawed pets and vacuums off your mat to minimise the risk of damaging your playmat.
The inner edge has a curl- what can I do?
Wenn Sie auf Ihrer Memory Foam-Spielmatte stehen, bleibt vorübergehend ein sanfter Abdruck Ihrer Füße zurück, und Ihre Spielmatte erinnert sich daran, wie sie gerollt wurde, um zu Ihnen zu gelangen. Es ist ganz einfach, ihm beizubringen, sich wieder zu lösen - rollen Sie es fest in die entgegengesetzte Richtung, indem Sie die Krümmung in die andere Richtung biegen, und lassen Sie es über Nacht liegen. Wenn du sie am Morgen ausrollst, ist sie flach!
I hear Totter + Tumble playmats are great for pilates and yoga- tell me more.
You are absolutely right, lots of customers have told us how great these are for exercise. The thick cushioning is similar to that of a more deluxe Pilates mat to support the body during floor and side work. Yoga mats are typically thinner to increase connection with the solid floor for balances. However, yet again, the memory foam style of our playmats make a stable surface, ideal for yoga moves.
Can I take my Totter + Tumble out and about?
Unsere Spielmatten können natürlich aufgerollt und im Freien aufgestellt werden. Ihre primäre Funktion besteht jedoch darin, einen festen Platz in Ihrem Zuhause einzunehmen. Um die luxuriöse Polsterung und Rutschfestigkeit zu erreichen, werden unsere Spielmatten aus hochwertigem, schwerem Schaumstoff hergestellt.
Wenn Sie Ihre Spielmatte im Freien verwenden, sollten Sie auf scharfe Steine oder Gegenstände achten, die die Oberfläche beschädigen könnten. Ihre Spielmatte sollte nicht über einen längeren Zeitraum der direkten Sonne ausgesetzt werden, da sie sonst ausbleichen könnte.
Für welche Bodenbeläge sind Totter + Tumble Spielmatten geeignet?
Lots of you tell us of your frustration of slipping or breaking up jigsaw playmats. Don’t worry! Totter + Tumble’s weightier memory foam and texturised imprint means that they are more stable on carpeted, wood or tiled flooring. With our Standard size being over 10 kgs and our Compact size 7.5kgs, they do well at staying put. Please note, your flooring may have more of an impact on it too - e.g. if it is without grain or slippy itself.
Are your playmats affected by light?
Your Totter + Tumble playmat has inherent UV-resistance, but prolonged exposure to the sun will cause a change from initial unboxing.
Whilst some foams continue to degrade with UV exposure, the impact is low on Totter + Tumble playmats and is limited. Darker designs naturally hold more resistance than lighter designs.
Please note that the impact will depend on many local factors, including the amount and intensity of sunlight, temperature, humidity, altitude, and more.
There is a small black code on my playmat. What is it?
Every playmat has an individual batch code on it in accordance with the UK, US and European Standards, to make sure each playmat is traceable to its manufacture and to protect your consumer rights. This code cannot be removed.
Do you offer charity discounts?
Always keen to give back where we can, we donate play mats every month to hospitals and other settings, as part of our Play Matters campaign.
While we don't offer a personal discount to charity workers purchasing a play mat, everyone is able to receive a welcome discount by signing up to our newsletter, which is here.
Any discounts on large orders?
If you are hoping to place a large order for your home or setting, we are able to offer a discount on a single order of 5 or more playmats. Read more here about our bulk buy discount.